Correct use of refrigerator

By admin / Date Oct 24,2022
1. The method of using the temperature compensation switch of the refrigerator is a wide-climate refrigerator designed according to the large temperature difference between the north and south of my country. When the ambient temperature is low (below 10℃), please turn on the temperature compensation switch for normal use. When the ambient temperature is low, if the temperature compensation switch is not turned on, the number of compressors will be significantly reduced or will not work, the startup time will be short, and the shutdown time will be long, resulting in a high temperature in the freezer, and the frozen food cannot be completely frozen. Therefore, it is necessary to Turn on the temperature compensation switch to use. (The principle is that when the ambient temperature is lower than 10 degrees Celsius, you need to turn on the switch to heat the refrigerator compartment, so that the refrigerator works passively, so that the temperature of the freezer compartment can be kept low and frozen.) Turning on the temperature compensation switch does not affect The service life of the refrigerator. When the winter passes and the ambient temperature rises and the ambient temperature is higher than 15°C, please turn off the temperature compensation switch, so as to avoid frequent startup of the compressor and save electricity.
2. How to use the refrigerator thermostat During the use of the refrigerator, its working time and power consumption are greatly affected by the ambient temperature, so we need to choose different gears for use in different seasons, and the refrigerator thermostat should be turned on low in summer Block high-end winter. When the ambient temperature is high in summer, it should be used in the weak gear 2 and 3. When the ambient temperature in winter is low, it should be used in the strong gear 4 and 5. Reason: In summer, the ambient temperature is high (up to 30 ℃), and the freezer room If the temperature is in the strong block (4, 5), below -18℃, the temperature difference between inside and outside is large, so it is very difficult for the temperature in the box to drop by 1℃. Speed ​​up, so that the startup time is very long and the shutdown time is very short, which will cause the compressor to run for a long time under high temperature, which will consume electricity and easily damage the compressor. If you change to the weak gear (2nd or 3rd gear) at this time, you will find that the startup time of the refrigerator is significantly shortened, which reduces the wear of the compressor and prolongs the service life. Therefore, when the temperature is high in summer, the temperature control is adjusted to the weak block. When the ambient temperature is low in winter, if the thermostat is still adjusted to the weak gear, so the temperature difference between the inside and outside is small, the compressor will be difficult to start, and the refrigerator with a single refrigeration system may also have the phenomenon of thawing of the freezer.
3. Location:

When placing the refrigerator, make sure that there is enough space around the refrigerator

, reserve 10CM on both sides and the back, and reserve 10CM above the refrigerator. Enough space can ensure better heat dissipation of the refrigerator.
4. The correct setting temperature of the refrigerator compartment is set to 5-7 degrees, which can ensure the preservation effect of food, and avoid the waste of resources caused by the temperature setting too low.
5. The refrigerator uses a 220V, 50Hz single-phase AC power supply. If the voltage is too large or unstable, it will affect the normal operation of the compressor and cause the compressor to burn out. Pay attention to protect the insulation layer of the power cord of the refrigerator. It is not recommended to modify or lengthen the power cord without authorization. Do not turn on the refrigerator immediately after you have just bought it, and let it stand for at least 2 hours before turning it on to prevent oil circuit failure.
6. In order to make full use of the refrigerator, many friends will fill up the refrigerator, which will not only increase the power consumption, but also overload the refrigerator and affect its service life. It is recommended that the food in the refrigerator should not be overfilled, and space should be properly reserved. In addition, do not put hot food directly in the refrigerator, it should be placed in the refrigerator after cooling down. Do not put glassware in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator to prevent frost cracking and damage.